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    Welcome to Hengshui Qijia Engineering Materials Co., Ltd!
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    Corrugated pipe culvert

    Home > Bellows case

      In cooperation with the Shandong high speed group, exported to South Sudan north-south highway of 1.5 meters in diameter and 3 mm thickness steel corrugated Guan Han 5266 meters, 4 meters in diameter, the 5.5 mm steel corrugated pipe culvert 60.4 meters. We only used 20 days to finish the production, packaging, loading and is responsible for all the work, in three days successfully finished the 47 40 foot containers.

    Qijia engineering case
    Hengshui Qijia Engineering Materials Co., Ltd.




    Address:Hengshui Taocheng district north industrial base Xiangsu road No.18

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