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    Corrugated pipe culvert

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    RX type SNS rhombus passive protective screening


      SNS rhombus passive protective screening system use various kinds of methods like anchor stock, steel column, support rope and anchor rope to fix the wire rope net on the slope surface, then form a fence type net to block stones.
      Passive protective screening characteristics: the flexibility of the system and interception intensity is good enough to absorb and disperse the kinetic energy of the shock from falling stones. The design and usage of energy dissipation ring highly improved the surge withstand capability of the system. Compared to rigid block and stones slurry retaining wall, the screening system have changed the original construction technology and reduced the project period and project cost.
      Usage:suitable for mountains where there is buffer zone around the building facilities, preventing the building facilities from rockfall, flying rocks, snow slide and debris flow, protect buildings from damage.
      SNS passive protective screening governance rock fall collapse. The construction of passive protective screening is simple, fast and high cost effective. At the same time, it disrupt car running less, normally it’s no damage to the original geology and vegetation, accord with the request of environmental protection. Because of its strong overall protective performance, large range of protection level (250-700kJ), good protection effect, long service life and easy maintenance, SNS passive protective screening is an economically feasible method to govern rockfall. SNS passive protective screening has stood the test of flood and rockfall, and the performance is very good. It’s worth popularizing application of SNS passive protective screening in mount road, railway, scenic area and hydro-electric station.
    Hengshui Qijia Engineering Materials Co., Ltd.




    Address:Hengshui Taocheng district north industrial base Xiangsu road No.18

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