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    Corrugated pipe culvert

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    key points of designing corrugated metal culvert structure

    Time:2015-09-04 14:47
      Metal corrugated pipe culvert is also called corrugated culvert, refers to the screw corrugated paved in highway, railway culvert pipe, it is assembled by corrugated metal plates are made into waveform steel tube. Widely used in highway, railway, bridge, culvert, the channel tunnel, temporary roads, drainage pipe and all kinds of mine roadway retaining wall engineering. Corrugated metal culvert pipe adopts centralized standard design and production, on-site installation of civil and profile can be separated from the implementation, reduce or simply abandoned the conventional building materials, short construction period, environmental protection sense. The structure of the metal corrugated pipe culvert stress reasonable load distribution is uniform, and has anti deformation ability, and can solve the problem of cold northern regions (Shuang Dong) damage to the bridge and the pipe culvert concrete structure; the road surface without expansion joints, improve the driving comfort; is conducive to the improvement of soft soil foundation structure and embankment at the junction of the "dislocation" phenomenon, and improve driving safety. Low operating and maintenance costs of corrugated pipe culvert after work, the actual cost of construction is also lower than the similar span bridge and culvert.
      Metal corrugated pipe culvert with its unique advantages, a strong ability to adapt, to replace the traditional products, the application prospect is very considerable.
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