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    Corrugated pipe culvert

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    manufacturing process the corrugated metal pipe

    Time:2015-09-04 14:47
      In the farm field irrigation, mining, oil depot, pumping sand, sand blasting, food, medical drugs and indoor gas, dust emission face, reference is widely used. The production process of welding corrugated metal culvert pipe according to the production of corrugated culvert pipe diameter size can be divided into two kinds of process route.
      1 in large diameter corrugated production culvert, take welding inner ring sewing process route semi-circular clamp rings after this.
      2 in the production of small diameter corrugated culvert pipe, inner ring seam welding process route taken before the whole process of ring back.
      The product is the best substitute for product PVC, rubber, metal pipe. Welding after check inspection accords with the standard, you can through the mouth ring out at the process. Process of ring with red copper wire made of ordinary. Each process can only be used once. This is the difference between it and the main clamp ring.
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