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    Corrugated pipe culvert

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    Characteristics and application of corrugated pipe culvert

    Time:2015-09-02 16:24
      Hengshui Qijia Engineering Materials Co., Ltd production of steel corrugated pipe culvert with pipe section thin, light weight, convenient transportation and storage, simple construction process, convenient field installation, solution to  the problem of the bridge structure damage, and the pipe culvert in cold regions of North China, rapid assembly, the advantages of short duration. In order to prevent wave spinning culvert pipe corrosion, corrugated pipe joint factory before the internal and external surface and fastening bolts, of hot dip galvanized, galvanized layer thickness of more than 63 m, the average thickness of galvanized layer 84 mu m; construction and installation of increasing applied bitumen coating.
      Corrugated culvert pipe application field of bridge and culvert:
      Roads and railways, bridges, culverts,: the channel tunnel, culvert tunnel overhaul, temporary roads, infiltration wells.
      Municipal and construction: common channel, optical cable protection, drainage ditch.
      Coal: mineral pipeline, personnel and mining machinery channel, shaft.
      Civil: power plant smoke pass, grain reserve warehouse, fermentation tank, wind power generation.
      Military: the military road, air channel and evacuation passage.
      Characteristics of bridge and culvert corrugated culvert:
      With rigid and flexible: reasonable structure stress, load distribution, has a certain anti deformation ability.
      The use of standard design, large-scale factory production, short production cycle, high efficiency, helps to reduce the cost and improve the quality of.
      The installation of speed fast site, the construction period is short, significant social and economic benefits.

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